The women who flocked to India to bag a husband

The women who flocked to India to bag a husband - From the 1600s until the Second World War, 'surplus women’ flocked to India in a bid to bag a husband. In her new book, Anne de Courcy explains why Right through the era of “the Fishing Fleet” – the name given to the girls and women who went out to India to look for husbands from the 17th century on — engagements were often a brisk affair. After a mere half dozen meetings with her future husband, Violet Swinhoe wrote in her diary (in 1916): “James had final talk with Daddy and then we were...

READ MORE - The women who flocked to India to bag a husband

Living with the in-laws: are you a LOSER?

Living with the in-laws: are you a LOSER? He never imagined it would happen to him, but Ed West and his family have joined the ranks of the LOSERs – London Overpriced, Scrounging off Elder Relatives It’s a sobering statistic: the number of adults living with their parents has risen by 20 per cent in 15 years and – with the crash accelerating the trend towards “boomerang kids” – many older people are bracing themselves for the return of their adult children. But what about those returning with children of their own? This, too, is on the increase....

READ MORE - Living with the in-laws: are you a LOSER?

The Danger of Yelling at Your Kids and Ways to Be a Calmer Mom

The Danger of Yelling at Your Kids and Ways to Be a Calmer Mom - If you've found yourself shrieking at your child - and regretting it - this advice is for you. My husband, our two kids, and I were enjoying an idyllic trip to Hawaii, driving up the winding (and dangerous) Road to Hana and taking in the beauty of the cliffs and coastline. And then it happened. For no apparent reason, my son, then age 5, threw a water bottle from the backseat toward my husband, and it hit the windshield with a ferocious bang. By some miracle, we didn't crash,...

READ MORE - The Danger of Yelling at Your Kids and Ways to Be a Calmer Mom

Top Five Personality Traits Employers Hire Most

Top Five Personality Traits Employers Hire Most - I don't care about your degree. Are you the right guy for the job? - I know you: You’ve made looking for your next job, well… your job. You’ve scoured your resume of clichéd buzzwords, brushed up on body language and even gotten a handle on the dreaded video interview. But all that might be for naught if you just don’t have the personality your dream employer is looking for. New research shows that the vast majority of employers (88%) are looking for a “cultural fit” over skills in their next...

READ MORE - Top Five Personality Traits Employers Hire Most

Creative ways to say “I love you”

Creative ways to say “I love you” - They’re three little words, but man, are they powerful ones! Telling someone that you feel this way is always quite a moment — some people, however, go above and beyond the call of duty and concoct romantic gestures that are incredibly thoughtful and personal. Let these stories serve as some food for thought if you want a new way to express how much someone means to you.I got my fave sweets from my sweetie“One night, my date and I went to the movies and I was talking about how I only liked pink Starburst — there...

READ MORE - Creative ways to say “I love you”